I love being girly. I had three boys and one very tomboyish girl so the girlish camaraderie that I had had as a kid and teen, didn’t happen often once I was an adult. I was too busy tossing footballs, griping about dirty socks and buying athletic supporters. At work, with my friend Elodia, I’d get those girly moments – taking long lunches to go shopping and trying on things like jewelry. I got my girly going in small snatches with lots of glitz and glitter to make up for the day-to-day lack of it at home.
Now though, I have a VERY girly granddaughter and daughter-in-law and we are super close. Doing girly things happens a lot and I’m loving it. When I had the opportunity to check out NICE Jewelry, I jumped at it. We’re big on traditions in this family and I like starting new ones with my eight year old granddaughter. This Valentine’s Day I’d give her, her first grown up girl bracelet. Ooh jewelry!
I hadn’t heard of NICE Jewelry before, so I was dubious about it. I was so nicely surprised when I saw the catalog. My family and I had a blast together going through the catalog which was well laid out with tons of photos. The prices were really reasonable and the jewelry looked well made and good quality. It was hard to choose with such a large selection. We made several passes through the catalog before finally deciding. I really wanted Jasmine’s Valentine’s Day gift to be perfect. In the end, Marissa (my daughter-in-law) and I chose a simple silver bracelet for her with a little floating heat. It was simple, elegant, girly and very grown up without being over stated.

There were so many pieces that caught my eye. I loved the little crystal beaded bracelet and quite a few of the earrings really grabbed my attention. Ultimately, I chose a chunky bracelet with a matching necklace. The pieces I chose for myself were perfect for either the office or a cocktail party. I love versatile jewelry that I can switch up, depending on the event or outfit. I wondered if they’d look as good as they did on paper.

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The jewelry arrived on a blustery day for L.A. and I eagerly tore at the packaging to pull out three small boxes and a catalog. I don’t think there’s a woman on earth who’s heart doesn’t beat just a little bit faster at the sight of those small, flat boxes. I reached for the square one and opened it in a roomful of women. “Oooooh” was all I heard from four voices. I’d opened the box with the bracelet in it. It was beautiful. Heavy. I lifted it out of the satin-lined box, being ridiculously happy about the satin (I’m a sucker for packaging). I tried it on. Perfect. I opened the necklace box next and loved that as well. Lastly, I opened the box with Jasmine’s present – the bracelet. It was really lovely. Perfect for her and the heart in the middle of it was just right for Valentine’s Day.

She didn’t know she was getting a gift. She was standing there, just being Jasmine; cheering and happy her Grammy was trying on jewelry. Jasmine is kind-hearted, generous and thinks of everyone before thinking of herself. She reminds me of my grandmother. I hushed everyone in the room, picked up the long box containing her gift and handed it to her. Everyone smiled and she still didn’t get that it was for her. She thought I wanted her to open it for me. Then her mother, her other grandmother and me all said, “Happy Valentine’s Day Jasmine” and she got it. Finally. Her eyes welled up, she beamed and she opened the box. The look on her face was priceless.

After the excitement died down, we fought over the catalog. Anabel has already picked out the pieces she’s going to order for herself and Marissa is closeted away with it now. I’m betting she’ll be surfacing in an hour or so with a long list. She’s also “borrowed” my pieces for a work event. I think I’m going to need another set…

I’m really, really impressed with the quality and attention to detail on the jewelry. The links are strong, the clasps open easily and close tight without sticking which is usually a big bone of contention for me with jewelry. It looks good, not brassy or fake and came very nicely packaged. The bracelet I got Jasmine looks delicate but I can tell it won’t break easily or fall off. My pieces are comfortable to wear and look really good on.

I think we’ve started a new tradition. Every year I’m going to get my granddaughter a new piece of jewelry, just so I can see that beautiful little face light up like it did today. Valentine’s Day isn’t just for lovers – it’s for family too.

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. Thoughts and opinions are my own. #CBias
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